Sunday, 18 October 2009

Latest news Thursday 22 October

NEWS FLASH! Thursday 22 October
1) David Lyons just joined the "Now" slideshow.
2) Brian Ter-Morshuizen will be joining us on Skype
after dinner on Saturday.
3) Four more images have been added to the
"Then" slideshow.
4) Sandy and Clodagh's photos in the "Now" slideshow
have been "upgraded".
NEWS FLASH! Wednesday 21 October
Alan Holmes has just joined the "Now" slideshow.
Who's actually coming on Saturday evening?
The "final" list was emailed out on Tuesday 20 October.
Not there but "there"
On Saturday you'll have the opportunity to browse a folder with photos and short bios of a dozen or so school friends who wanted to join us but who, for various reasons, are not able to attend.
You'll receive the folder as a PDF file after the reunion.
Dot MacLeod (Hendler) and Patricia Leighton say hello
Dot and Patricia both live in New York City. They're really sorry that they can't join us on Saturday but ask to be remembered to everyone.
Margaret Brown (Lang) sends us greetings from Vancouver
Margaret has been living in Vancouver since 1981. She already visited Britain in August and so will not be able to join us
She sends her best greetings to everyone.
16 new photos added to the "now" slideshow
Pictures of David Lyons, Alan Holmes, Alison Smellie, Linda Paton (McLaughlin), Sandy Crawford, Fiona Blake (Sellers), Joan Hoggan, Dot MacLeod (Hendler), Sue McDougall, Andrew Paxton, Patricia Leighton, Margaret Murphy (Miskin), Sheena Halliday (Hemmings), Anne White (Lind), Iain Liddell and Douglas Parkhill have just been added to the beginning of the slideshow.
We now have 38 photos and would very much like to add
yours if it's still missing. Email it to Neil super asap!
New photos added to the "then" slideshow
Want to see Mr Chadwin? Or what the school looked like in 1859? New images uploaded on 21 October bring the total to 74.
Have a look!
1151 emails by 21 October (and no longer counting)
That's how many emails Neil has sent and received since the reunion project began in September 2008.