Saturday, 8 August 2009

Latest News 8 August

We now have 32 confirmations
Alan Holmes and Stuart Robb has been in touch and told us that they will be joining us at the Kip Marina. Stuart may have a conflicting engagement on the evening but hopes to be able to be with us.
New contacts in the last week
Our latest contacts made are with Ross Sinnamon, Fiona Blake (Sellers), Douglas Clements, Gordon Crawford and Norman Baird.
15 new photos added 8 August
Courtesy of Ian Dickson we now have 15 new photos in the slideshow. The photos now appear in left-to-right sequence and this allows you to speed up or slow down the display by multiple clicks on the "+" and "-" symbols. You can also pause at any particular photo by clicking on the "║" button.
Scroll down to find the list and contact Neil if you can help in any way.
Thanks, but no thanks
Ian Taylor, Alan Urguhart and Fiona Bates (Duthie) have informed Neil that they will not be attending.
They do however all send their best greetings to us.

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