Saturday 22 August 2009

Latest News 22 August

We now have 39 confirmations
Douglas Clements and Stuart Robb hope that they can join us, but will not know for certain until nearer the date.
That was then, this is now
We now have a new slideshow with recent photos of 14 old school friends. It would be great if you could send Neil a current photo so that we can continue to expand the gallery.
Jim Ramage, Colin Porteous and Muray McFarlane
Jim, Colin and Murray have let us know that they will not be joining us, but all three send their very best regards to everyone and hope that the reunion will be a success.
Can you help?
New to our list are Annie Titterington, Victor Nichols and Jim Barr. Does anyone have any leads?
Don't worry about the deadline!
We really want as many as possible to join us on 24 October which is why we are happy for you to confirm at the last moment if it's just not possible for you to commit right now. You have totally not missed the boat - just contact Neil as soon as you know how you are placed on 24 October.

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