Friday 21 August 2009

Latest News 25 August

39 confirmations just became 39 confirmations
Neil apologises for getting the numbers wrong in the last update.
But now we do have 39 confirmations since Rona Diack (Gibbs) has
just been in touch to say that she will be joining us in October.
Don't worry about the deadline!
We really want as many as possible to join us on 24 October which is why we are happy for you to confirm at the last moment if it's just not possible for you to commit right now. You have totally not missed the boat - just contact Neil as soon as you know how you are placed on 24 October.
Help us with the uncontactables!
Go the Latest News dated 2 August and check the list of people we have been unable to contact. Can you help? Do you know, for instance, if any of the women listed have changed to a new, married surname?

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